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Mutation API

Slicknode automatically adds CRUD methods to your API for all node types that are part of your GraphQL schema. The write operations are available as GraphQL mutations in the schema on the root mutation type.

To perform a mutation, you can send a GraphQL mutation to your API endpoint.

Slicknode currently supports the following operations:


The mutation fields are only added if at least one role has the permission to perform the operation. If no user is allowed to perform a specific operation, the corresponding field is not added to the schema. Also see authorization for more information about permissions.


To create a new node and store it in the database, you can execute the (<Namespace>_)create<NodeName> mutation. For example, a query to add a new user could look like this.


mutation CreateUserMutation(
  $email: String!
  $firstName: String!
  $lastName: String!
  $username: String!
) {
    input: {
      email: $email
      firstName: $firstName
      lastName: $lastName
      username: $username
  ) {
    node {

If the mutation is successful, the field returns the created node as the mutation payload. If the mutation is unsuccessful, for example if a unique constraint fails, the result of the field is NULL and an error with an error message is returned in the GraphQL response.


To update a node in your database, you can execute the (<Namespace>_)update<NodeName> mutation. This performs a partial update of the node for all the fields that are provided as input. Only the ID field is required to specify which node should be updated.

A mutation to update the email address of a user could look as follows:

mutation UpdateUserMutation($id: ID!, $email: String!) {
  updateUser(input: { id: $id, email: $email }) {
    node {


To delete a node, you can execute the (<Namespace>_)delete<NodeName> mutation. This removes the specified node by its ID.


The delete mutation performs a cascading delete. That means that all values of fields that reference the deleted node will be set to NULL, or, if the field type is required, the referencing objects will be deleted as well. Also see relations for more information.


mutation DeleteUserMutation($id: ID!) {
  deleteUser(input: { id: $id }) {
    node {

Publishing Workflow

To enable the publishing workflow for content nodes, add the Content interface to the node types. For nodes with the Content interface, Slicknode adds two additional additional mutations to the GraphQL API to publish and unpublish nodes.

There are two different storage types in the Slicknode API for all content nodes, which are represented by separate database tables under the hood:

  • A preview storage for creating, editing and reviewing content. When a content node is first created, it is automatically assigned the DRAFT status and added to the preview storage.
  • A published storage to deliver the production live content. When you assign the PUBLISHED status to a content node, it will be copied from the preview storage to the published storage.

The two storages are independent. You can make changes to content in the preview storage without affecting the same node that already has a copy in the published storage. You can create additional statuses via the console by adding additional ContentStatus nodes. Custom content statuses allow you to create custom workflows like Draft > Review > Q&A > Published. The statuses will only be applied to nodes in the preview storage. Only the PUBLISHED status moves the node to the published storage.

Use the publish and unpublish mutations to manage the status of content nodes.


To move nodes to a different status, execute the (<Namespace>_)publish<NodeName> mutation. You can change the status of multiple nodes (up to 100) in a single mutation.

mutation PublishPost($ids: [ID!]!, $status: String!) {
  Blog_publishPost(input: { ids: $ids, status: $status }) {
    nodes {
      status {

The above mutation will change the status of the content nodes and return a list of the updated nodes.

The publish mutation has the following rules and behaviors:

  • $status can be any of the statuses that are available as ContentStatus in your Slicknode project.
  • The statuses DRAFT and PUBLISHED are builtin and cannot be changed.
  • Newly created nodes are automatically assigned the DRAFT status.
  • When you change the status to PUBLISHED, the node is copied to the published storage.
  • Changes that are applied via the update mutation are only applied to nodes in the preview storage.
  • Publishing a node to the PUBLISHED status will be applied to both the preview and the published storage.
  • Publishing a node to any other than the PUBLISHED status will only be applied to the preview storage.


To remove a content node from the published storage, execute the (<Namespace>_)publish<NodeName> mutation for the nodes that you want to unpublish. You can unpublish multiple nodes in a single mutation (up to 100).

mutation PublishPost($ids: [ID!]!) {
  Blog_unpublishPost(input: { ids: $ids }) {
    nodes {
      status {

This will remove the nodes with the provided $ids from the published storage and a list of the updated nodes is returned.

  • Unpublishing a node does not affect the preview storage. So all changes to the node won't be affected and the unpublished node can be published again via the publish mutation.
  • To remove a node from your project entirely, use the delete mutation instead.