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With the data model in place, we can now add fine grained access controls for our types.

In Slicknode, all access is defined on a per type basis. For each type, we can create individual permissions with complex rules that are then automatically applied by Slicknode in the entire GraphQL API.

For in-depth information about the authorization capabilities of Slicknode, check out the authorization documentation.


Let's start by restricting the access to our Blog_Article nodes. When we deployed the types to the Slicknode Cloud, Slicknode automatically generated the default permissions for the type and stored the permission document in the modules folder.

For our Blog_Article type, the permissions document should look something like this.


query Blog_ArticlePermission1 {
  scope(role: ANONYMOUS, operations: [READ])

query Blog_ArticlePermission2 {
  scope(role: STAFF, operations: [CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, PUBLISH, UNPUBLISH])

query Blog_ArticlePermission3 {
    role: RUNTIME

This allows any user (role=ANONYMOUS) to read articles, but only users with the role STAFF can create, update and delete them.

Let's ignore the rule for the RUNTIME role for now.

We can now change the default permissions to implement the business logic we laid out in the project description.

Permission Editor

Slicknode has a permission editor built into the console, that lets you easily create permission rules using autocomplete and an explorer. We recommend to create the rules in the editor and then copy / replace them in your local permission document.

Open the permission editor:

  1. Open the Slicknode console slicknode console
  2. Go to the Settings tab of the project
  3. Select Permissions in the left menu
  4. Select the type that you want to create the permission rule for in the dropdown menu, in our case Blog_Article

Anonymous Access

First we want to ensure that anonymous users can only see articles that are published. We need to replace the rule for the ANONYMOUS role and make it more restrictive. By default, all the articles can be read by everyone.

In addition to the scope field in the permission query, you can limit the nodes that are accessible by adding a permission filter, for example:

query Blog_ArticlePermission1 {
  scope(role: ANONYMOUS, operations: [READ])
  node(filter: { status: { eq: PUBLISHED } })

With this rule, all anonymous users can only read Blog_Articles that have a status of PUBLISHED.

Replace the permission rule for the ANONYMOUS role in the document for the Blog_Article type (modules/blog/permissions/Blog_Article.graphql) and deploy the changes, fixing any potential errors:

slicknode deploy

To test the rule, open the GraphQL endpoint URL (slicknode endpoint) in a new browser tab. This should open the GraphiQL explorer without any authentication tokens. If you run the following query, you should only see published articles:

  Blog_listArticle {
    edges {
      node {

If you open the data browser and try to load the articles, you will see that all articles disappeared that have not the PUBLISHED status: The permission rules are also enforced in the admin interface. We will fix that in the next step.

Staff Access

We want to ensure that staff members only write articles with themselves as the author (they can't select another user). We also want to ensure that they only write in categories that they are assigned to.

To implement this logic, we need to have access to the current user. Slicknode provides the current user ID as a query variable, which can then be used in the permission filter. Change the query for the STAFF role to the following:

query Blog_ArticlePermission2(
  # This query variable is automatically provided by Slicknode
  $user_id: ID!
) {
  # The scope that this rule will be applied to
  scope(role: STAFF, operations: [CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE])

  # Limit the accessible nodes
    filter: {
      category: { authors: { node: { id: { eq: $user_id } } } }
      author: { id: { eq: $user_id } }

# We also want the STAFF users to be able to read all articles, including drafts
# So we add another permission query for this
query Blog_ArticlePermission3 {
  scope(role: STAFF, operations: [READ])
  # No node filter needed here, bcs. rule should apply to all articles

Save the permission document with the updated rule and deploy the changes to the Slicknode Cloud:

slicknode deploy

Test the permission rule with the data browser in the console. For example, try to publish an article in a category where you are not the author. Try to select a user other than yourself as the author, etc.

Other Permissions

The permissions for the other types are pretty straightforward. For the types Blog_Category, Blog_CategoryAuthor, we want to grant the READ operation to anonymous users.

To only allow admin users to make changes to those types, we can use the ADMIN role. (Every User that has the isAdmin field set to true assumes the ADMIN role).

Make the following changes to the corresponding permission documents.


query Blog_CategoryPermission1 {
  scope(role: ANONYMOUS, operations: [READ])

query Blog_CategoryPermission2 {
  scope(role: ADMIN, operations: [READ, CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE])


query Blog_CategoryAuthorPermission1 {
  scope(role: ANONYMOUS, operations: [READ])

query Blog_CategoryAuthorPermission2 {
  scope(role: ADMIN, operations: [READ, CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE])

Save the files and deploy the changes to the Slicknode Cloud:

slicknode deploy

You can now create a few users (non-admin, staff etc.) and test the permissions in the data browser.